Kushal Mangal Life - Yogasana & Meditation

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Yog Nindra and Meditation

Yog Nindra and Meditation

Yog Nidra means “Yogic sleep” or योग निद्रा (written in Hindi). State of consciousness between waking and sleeping is a Yoga Nidra, like the stage "going-to-sleep”. To relax your body with positive thoughts Yoga Nidra is the best end up exercise. It is a state in which the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of verbal instructions and the body is completely relaxed.

It has been found to reduce tension and anxiety. The high anxiety autonomic symptoms are headache, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations, sweating and abdominal pain respond well. It has been used to help soldiers from war cope with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Mantra Healing

Mantra is a sound, a word or a phrase that is repeated many times, aloud or silently, to bring about a desired change and represents willingness to release and move past the perceived obstacles in our lives.

In many traditions and religions, mantras are almost like charms or spells that are believed to carry special transformational powers which were basically gifted by ancient Bharat (India) saints.

But the mantras we will be using here are less mysterious. They are simple and clear phrases, in a language you can understand to calm the mind, to focus your intention and energy, and promote healing. No belief or faith is required. For those of you who prefer a secular and more down-to-earth mantra meditation, you would find this practice useful and appealing. You'll have an easier time succeeding when you focus on your goals.

But is it really possible to bring about physical healing just by repeating a line or two? Let us explore deeper.

Mantra Healing
Music Therapy

Music Therapy

Music Healing Therapy, clinical discipline in which music is used to address non-musical goals. Moreover, the planned use of musical influences on brain functioning and enhancement of human capabilities is Music Healing Therapy. Music influences human behavior by affecting the brain and subsequently other bodily structures in ways that are observable, identifiable, measurable, and predictable, thereby providing the necessary foundation for therapeutic applications. As means of fulfilling goals in movement, cognition, speech and language, and mental health, therapists use music listening, song writing, improvisation, and lyric analysis.

Music therapy is an allied health profession, delivering health services that are outside the scope of those traditionally provided by physicians and nurses. Because music is a familiar and powerful medium, it is conducive to application across the lifespan, from use in neonatal intensive care units to nursing homes and hospice facilities. Naturopathy centers, Psychiatric hospitals, correctional institutions, and drug rehabilitation centers may also use music healing therapy.


Energy Healing

To keep body, mind and spirit healthy many ancient civilizations were using a fully developed and vast medicinal system i.e. energy healing. The indeed prevalent in the ancient civilizations was of the Bharat (India) all across the world. Later was known as Egypt and America. To wellness ‘Energy Healing’ therapy is a powerful approach that can revolutionize any life.

Energy Healing
Therapeutic Yogasana

Therapeutic Yogasana

Therapeutic Yoga is a set of Yoga postures, meditation and the breathing techniques that can help in offering recovery from certain health conditions and guided imagery to improve mental and physical health. It can also help in alleviating both physical and mental trauma, suffering and pain. The integration of mind, body, and spirit focus and encourages by the holistic yoga therapy. Therapeutic Yoga is often recommended for the people who are suffering from chronic pain due to illness or injuries and can also attain mental relaxation. It is always guided to have a complimentary alternative therapies along with this healing technique.


Mudra Therapy

Mudra Therapy is an age old effective another non-medical mode to treatment propounded by ancient sages which helps without harming. Mudras are various postures of fingers and thumbs. Different diseases are treated in Mudra Therapy by holding and retaining the fingers and thumbs in different ways. This is seen in the postures of Bhartiya Devi-Devtas and Gods idols. So it depicts that it was non-medicinal self healing method gifted to living being by Sanatan Culture.

Mudra means hand gestures which are made for the betterment of physical body. We believe that our five fingers correspond to five natural elements i.e. thumb embodies 'Fire' or ‘Agni’, the index finger embodies 'Air' or ‘Vayu’, the middle finger 'Sky' or ‘Akash’, the ring finger embodies 'Earth' or ‘Prithvi’ and the little finger signifies 'Water' or ‘Jal’.

These hand Mudras effect the body ailments naturally and affectively leaving no side effects. This therapy is as old as Bharitya (Indian) culture and given and practiced by our seers through them we have been doing it since thousands of years. These Mudras prevent specific physical and mental problems naturally. They should be practiced with both the hands facing towards the sky and sitting in a Padmasana or Sukhasana. Mudras must be performed with utmost care ideally in the morning at least for 10 minutes every day.

Mudra Therapy
Ashtang Yog

Ashtang Yog

For controlling the waves of thought by turning our mental and physical energy into spiritual energy it offers a comprehensive method often called the “royal road”. Ashtang Yog refers to the eight limbs leading to absolute mental control. It includes following Sanskrit terms which is listed below:

  • Yama (Attitude towards our environment)
  • Niyam (Attitudes towards ourselves)
  • Asana (Physical Postures)
  • Pranayam (Restraints or expression of breath)
  • Pratyahar (Withdrawal of Senses)
  • Dharna (Concentration)
  • Dhyan (Meditation)
  • Samadhi (Complete Integration)

The chief practice of Asthang Yogis meditation includes all other methods which help one to control body, energy, senses and mind.


Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga, the term is derived from the Sanskrit ‘ha’, meaning "sun," and ‘tha’, meaning "moon." It stems from a deep understanding of the mechanics of the body, and uses yogic postures, or yogasanas, to enable the system to sustain higher dimensions of energy. One can change and enhance the way they think, feel, and experience life by practicing this profound science. The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities represented by each celestial being. Hatha Yoga is about creating a body that is not a hurdle in your life.

Hatha Yoga
Suryanamaskara (Sun Salutation)

Suryanamaskara (Sun Salutation)

Suryanamaskara is a method in which body and mind is releasing alpha rays to create a healthy aura. It contains of 12 Sukshma kriyas which includes different Yog postures listed below.

  • Namaskarasana
  • Ardhchandrasana
  • Paadhastasana
  • Ashwachalasana (with right leg)
  • Swanasana
  • Astangasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Swanasana
  • Ashwachalasana (with left leg)
  • Paadhastasana
  • Ardhchandrasana
  • Namaskarasana

By doing above 12 Shukshma Kriyas one Kriya is done. Likewise completing 12 such Kriyas comprises of one Suryanamaskara. While chanting mantra of Surya (Different Sun name according to Sanatan dharma) self confidence is built up and a person becomes eligible to fight against all mental and physical ailments. So it is highly recommended as a preventive and therapeutic alternative way of treatment.

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