Kushal Mangal Life - Panch Karma

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In Naturopathy, there are six-step traditional detoxification process known as Shat – Karma which is known as Panch-Karma in Ayurveda, which offers the ultimate mind-body healing experience by restoring and nourishing the body and creating a perfect balance between the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Panch-Karma is one of the best natural & traditional therapies for Detoxification that removes the unwanted toxins present in the body with the help of different therapies. According to experts, many classic Ayurvedic texts like Susruta Samhita, Charaka Samhita, and Ashtanga Hrdayam have substantially described the Panch-Karma Therapy & other Ayurvedic treatments which has been imbibed in the concept of Naturopathy in 19th century.

Panch-Karma and Shat – Karma Treatments are widely used to eliminate the toxins from the body, strengthen the digestive system, enhancing the metabolism, opening up the blocked channels throughout the body, relaxing the mind and boosting the overall immunity of the body.

Experience Panch-Karma, Experience The New You

There are many Traditional Indian Treatment Centers that offers Panch-Karma Therapy and with time, it’s becoming one of the most sought after body rejuvenation Treatment in Bharat (India) by foreigners and NRIs.

We, at Kushal Mangal Life Advisors, provide this authentic Naturopathy treatment in Vadodara to our patients with utmost sincerity and commitment to the wellbeing. Panch-Karma and all the other Naturopathy treatments that are being offered at our center are prescribed only by the professional Naturopathy Doctors & Specialists.



Water is the “Life-giving nectar on Earth”. This therapy is a ritual for increasing energy with the help of water. Luke warm water when devoured first in the early morning at an empty stomach is called “Ushapan”.

In a systemic way when the water is consumed, the over-night mouth generated toxins will be consumed and interacted with the digestive system and will lead to the distillation of digestive system which gives improvised digestive system, smooth skin and elevates endocrine system. Other remarkable benefits include engross weight loss and stimulate the functioning of kidneys.



One of the important therapies of Panch-karma is Vaman. It is done for the aggravated Kapha and Pitta dosha that removes the toxins from the body especially from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Vaman is done for both curative and preventive purpose. It is mainly done to prevent various disorders related to Kapha and Pitta dosha.
Note: It is compulsory to do Vaman if Ushapan is done.



Virechan is all about the purification of the dry Kapha and Pitta through the lower pathways with the use of purgative substances. Along with the cleansing of the small intestine, it is also done to clean the blood toxins, sweat glands, kidneys, stomach, colon, liver, spleen, and Rakta Vaha Srotas. It washes away the entire gastro-intestinal region.





The process of the complete lubrication of the body with the help of oil or medicated ghee (clarified butter) is known as Snehpan. The person is advised to consume medicated oil or ghee in large quantities. It follows with the number of restrictions like drinking only lukewarm water, eating when hungry and refraining from sleeping during daytime.



Nasya Therapy is a treatment that includes instillation of herbal oils, juices, ghee or semi liquid powders through the nasal route. It is one of the Panch-Karma therapies and highly recommended for patients with ENT problems. Nasya is very useful in treating any severe condition above the base of the neck. Nasya treatment of Panch-Karma is very effective for all kind of ENT problems and also removes ailment related to brain.


Netra Tarpana

Netra means eye, and Tarpana means nourishment. It offers unparalleled nourishment to the eyes. It acts as both preventive and curative therapy for maintaining normal healthy condition of eyes. It is specially prepared with Luke warm medicated water which is retained over the eye socket inside a well created using black gram paste or a virgin plastic sockets. During that period patient is supposed to make special eye exercise while having this application. After that Netra Basti is performed.

Netra Tarpana
Netra Basti

Netra Basti

Netra Basti is a restorative and preventative Ayurvedic treatment for the eyes. In this therapy Dough is made using organic flour and placed around the eye orbit to create a small dam. The Therapist prepares dough from special grains which is shaped into a small ring and placed over the eyes. This is then filled with warm purified ghee, either a plain or medicated variety. The ghee and the ring are kept on for about 15 to 20mins. The treatment is best done over a series of 21 - 45 sessions for best results.


Netra-Prasadana Karma

Netra-Prasadana Karma is a therapy widely used to treat the disorder/disease of the eye as well as to enhance the excellence of its functioning. These therapeutic procedures include Seka, Ashchotana, Pindi, Tarpana, Putapaka, Vidalaka, and Anjana.

Netra-Prasadana Karma


Shirodhara massage is a traditional treatment that includes the pouring of warm herbal oil with different heat temperatures on forehead in a continuous, slowly, and steadily dripping stream. Shirodhara therapy in Bharat (India) is well in demand and is believed to be very effective in reducing stress and promoting overall health above collar bone of the body. Shirodhara induces an extreme state of relaxation resulting in a dynamic psycho-somatic balance.


Shiro Basti

Shiro Basti is a therapy in which outer area of the head is covered with a cap keeping hollow inside to put in herbalized oil for a certain period. The treatment is very soothing and relaxing and is highly recommended for those patients suffering from mental conditions like various mental illnesses, depression, insomnia, anxiety, fear, over-thinking, psychological disorders, and migraines.

Shiro Basti
Kati Basti

Kati Basti

Kati Basti is mainly used by Ayurvedic Practitioners and Naturopath consultant. They had a huge experience in stabilizing the ligaments, discs, nerves, blood vessels and bones of the lumbosacral region. The word “Kati” means the waist or the lower abdomen area. The process of holding warm oil in the back region is known as “Basti”, which has been affected with pain and inflammation.

Kati Basti is a method in which medicated oil is poured over the Lumbosacral Region. The type of medicated oil used for the treatment of backache depends upon the condition of the disease, season or weather.

Kati Basti and its unique features:

  • Non-intrusive and passive treatment
  • Restores the alignment of the spine
  • Pain free deep tissue therapy
  • To reduce toxins accumulating in the muscle tissue
  • Medicated oil acts as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmoic and anti-pain
  • Medicated oil helps restore the cellular memory of the muscle tissue
  • Oil specific temperature adds to the overall impact
  • Blood flow increases in the area and aids in the healing process
  • Strengthens the extremities of the body
  • Completely distresses the body

Greeva Basti

Greeva Basti is a spine care therapy that includes hot oil therapy. This therapeutic procedure is used to treat various disorders of the spine, frozen shoulder, muscles and skeletal tissues of neck (cervical) and shoulder arise. The process includes bathing the neck region with freshly prepared herbal decoction or medicated oil and undergoes oleation and sudation around the neck region simultaneously.

Greeva Basti
Titkt Kshir Basti

Titkt Kshir Basti

It is the therapeutic enema procedure. Titkt Kshir Basti is considered to be one of the most important Panch-Karma Therapies as it can control & eliminate the Vata Dosha accurately. It can treat various Heart Diseases, Arthritis, Cervical Spondylosis, AVN (Avascular Necrosis), different types of Paralysis, Oedema and Chronic allergic disorders.




Niruha Basti

Administration of medicated decoction in empty stomach in the form of enema is called as Kashaya Basti or Niruha Basti. Niruha Basti (Panch-Karma) treatment is effective for balancing Vatadosha. It is compulsorily administered after localized Abhyangam (Massage) and Swedan (Steam). The Niruha Basti gets expelled within 5 minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes duration. It helps to evacuate the bowels completely and thus helps to removes the toxins locally.

The mixture of oil, ghee, honey, salt in the decoction helps to reduce systemic toxins also. It helps to reduce Vata Dosha. This type of Basti is considered as enhancing longevity and establishing youthfulness. Basti is considered as half treatment to all the diseases. Matra Basti is also having the same method but is used for the patient with a chronic constipation and the ailments due to it.

Niruha Basti
Janu Basti

Janu Basti

‘Janu’ means ‘Knee Joint’ and ‘Basti’ means to ‘Hold’. This treatment is highly beneficial for common causes for Knee pain. In this treatment a ring is constructed around the knee joint using black gram flour and medicated oil is poured in and left for a fixed amount of time.

Janu Basti actively treats conditions such as osteoarthritis of knee joints, osteoporosis, ligament injuries, arthritis of knee joints and chronic pain of the knee joints. It reduces the pain and stiffness in knee joints and helps to improve mobility.



Udvartana is the therapeutic procedure that makes use of various powders composed of herbs, minerals, and medicinal spices. It stimulates the metabolic process and has a mild dermis-abrasive effect that is very effective in removing impurities and treating stains and eruptions. Udvartana is a treatment commonly used to treat various circulatory disorders, cellulite, fluid retention (Edema), obesity, etc.



Swedan is a process of steaming in which the full body medicated oil steam bath is given. This process helps in opening up the body channels while heat liquefies the unwanted toxin present in the body and facilitates their movement from the tissues to the digestive tract. Swedan relieves stiffness, heaviness, and coldness of the body.



Lepanam is a treatment to care and cure skin related diseases. It uses a medicated herbal paste made from various herbs, spices, and natural minerals. Being effective in every aspect, Lepanam ensures the complete elimination of all kind of skin diseases, infections and other such problems. However, it is not advisable to the patients with over sensitive skin otherwise sincere and professional guidance is must in such cases.



Abhyangam is a refreshing massage for the whole body. As it is very helpful in preventing the aging process and ensures complete relaxation and refreshment to the body and mind. Abhyangam Therapy nourishes the body, pacifies all the doshas, provides stamina, relieves fatigue, and ensures perfect sound sleep. It also enhances the luster and complexion of the skin.



Dhumpanam or Dhumpan means medicated smoking. It uses the power of fire smoke to treat various disorders related to ear, nose, throat, and head. It also helps in preventing Kapha disorders. Dhumpanam follows the treatment of Vaman and Nasya Karma Therapies. Through this process, the required medicine can reach the tiniest cavities and act effectively.



Arya-Snanam is natural treatment which incites cure of skin diseases and detoxifies the skin. It rejuvenates the skin and repairs the dermis and epidermis layer. This is an ancient and a sacred therapy which was practiced by Kings to restore their skin to optimum health.

This method uses several herbs in powder form. These herbs are applied along with milk, honey and rosewater in the form of churna on the whole body and kept for 20 to 30 mins. A gentle satiating massage is done along with rosewater to gracefully separate the churna from body.

Then after, Kati Snanam is initiated. In Kati Snanam one has to sit inside a bucket of luke warm water or herbal oil contented water such that from neck to lower body is submerged in it and has to stay in it for 20 mins. This whole process will also embrace one with a healthy and glowing skin, and with many more benefits.

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